Sunday, 25 March 2012

Personal Future Ideas

Personal manifesto and generalize summery of my philosophy in application, kept general, typical and largely centrist socially and left-wing economically.  For future use,
  1. Never lose sight of what you genuinely believe is right. Politicians and statesmen all begin as idealistically as you do.
  2. Successful election will compromise some principles, profound authenticity means only one or two are compromised. 
  3. When in a room with the most typical politicians, focus in small measures how you may relate. All larger greater efforts must go towards setting yourself apart using authenticity as the greatest measure.
  4. Bipartisanship for its own sake is just as myopic as partisanship for its own sake. Whether or not two parties typically agree or disagree on policy should be the sole basis of such co-operation.
  5. The only ethical exception to the previous statement is when the security or solidarity of the nation as a whole is at stake.
  6. "To realize the relative validity of one’s convictions and yet stand for them unflinchingly is what distinguishes a civilized man from a barbarian." - Joseph Schumpter 
  7. Value the strength and integrity of public policy opinions of citizens, not sheer numbers and numbers alone. Never pick just the polls you like, but polls that follow an article providing context are invaluable!
  8. Practical Wisdom in politicians is given and key, with regards to rules and incentives; specifically for scenarios rules and regulations were not designed to consider. The willingness to do the right thing, with the knowledge and experience necessary to know what the right thing is. This highest virtue must be practised to be perfected.
  9. Cultivate purpose, authenticity, and positive freedom in citizens as socially inter-connected individuals. State and social institutions cultivate citizens whether or not they want to, make cultivation minimal and centrist.
  10. Economically, we are a unified whole. No-one gets rich in any civilised society on their own, we are wholly interdependent. Economists need to take lessons in methods from behaviourist psychologists, who adjust for culture and context while remaining empirical.
  11. Small and large businesses can not only function but thrive in an egalitarian society. Only the most titanic and multi-national corporations.
  12. The mandatory right of employee ownership of the Canadian businesses that employ them is a sound and commendable of cultivating lasting and solid greater equality in our society.
  13. Western society can and has functioned under top tax rates of 90% for those making over two million (real) dollars. Such that is present in the Nordic nations, however, should only be implemented by a political system and successive governments that earn that scale responsibly. 
  14. That the sole determination of our personal success is our effort and merit; that is the idea we need, essential to fulfilling our potential as human beings. Ultimately, Rawls arbitrary basis for distributive justice is what we morally deserve. 
  15. Distinguish entitlements as tending towards merit for true social mobility, moral distributive desert as total equality among citizens.
  16. Outside of manual labour, wages matter little with regards to effort and output. As human beings, we are motivated not by what we do, but why we do it. We cherish this thinking in our greatest and most inspiring leaders.  Economists should learn greatly from this.
  17. To cultivate a truly prospering society, focus on security, civic engagement, and social mobility. Security is important not only for its own sake, but also for trust, reason, and emotion void of fear. This leads a society in the right direction. 
  18. Impulsive peace and pacifism is just as myopic as impulsive war. Any action by way of peace or war must be done for the sake of both hope and courage. Fear and and arrogance as demeriting war leads to atrocities. Cowardice as determining passive inaction in the face of such aggressive arrogance is no less vile.
  19. The just nature of a war is often determined by the representing leaders of the nations involved. Leaders who are just and authentic.
  20. Rights should be implemented always in accordance with equality of opportunity and social mobility. Excuse any irony with this statement- that's what rights were conceived for! As a means of securing equality of opportunity. Any rights which impede equality of opportunity is self-defeating. 

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