Why Votes Count

The Choir Analogy

There are many reasons why voting is important. You hear about those telling you how every vote counts and think 'obviously not, no election is a few voted shy.' Yet you never wonder why Eastern youth are fighting and dying for the right to vote- certainly not for an opportunity they may be free to waste. Voting is part of your rights as a citizen, each election result changes the history of the nation forever. You hear these arguments fairly often come election time. I would like to offer what I hope is an inspiring and relatively analogy of the electorate... A choir.

Consider the less confident choir member. The reason for theit lack of consequence and their inability to pull out are inconsequential. A single choir member who wished to remain silent and merely pretend to sing along would truly go unnoticed, it's easy to admit. Those beside him or her would not notice due to effort put into their own singing, and so the lone choir memnber and the resulting preformace go without setback. But we're assuming every other choir member is wholly confident and committed. Clearly not realistic. So a friend of the first choir member who lacks confidence is encouraged by the fact that they are not the only one miming their singing. And a third choir member is encouraged by the other two. As soon as two in five choir members are not really singing, the choir is ruined. It's that chain effect that makes a notable difference. Every single member of the electorate needs to understand this.

Generally speaking, comfort and apathy together are what ails those who waste an opportunity to vote. Voters that feel no need for any kind of change to their day-to-day lives feel no need to vote, while voters scared of an disliked party gaining power are motivated by insecurity.
Use your opportunity to vote, it's a right others are fighting and dying for as you read this. Vote.

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